Hi there.
Currently I have a lot of hassle. I have to rewrite all of the unit frames creation because of the limitation of syncing variables to numbers only.
My workaround was to store the players multiplayer index (multiplayer.peerCount-1) in a local variable on the object that I want to sync. They are basically the players character frames where you see their name, hp, mana and so on. After the local variable with the index is created the host will then broadcast a message to the players containing a JSON with alle the information, as well as which player has which index (as I discovered that the players multiplayer index will not be the same between peers).
The problem now is that When the peers receive this message the sync objects are not created yet. So again it will not work.
Now I'm having a headache on how to sync all of this. I just want to create a player frame when someone connects.
I think I might drop all of this and just look into techniques of converting text to a number (double should be enough), just sync it and re-convert it to text on the peers side.
Any ideas? Thank you in advance!