Why I get a weird line on the screen.

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  • I see a thin black line on the screen throughout the screen of the game.

    How can i fix it?

  • That's a strange one. I've seen this happen with tiled backgrounds, that have a pixel of padding on the top/bottom. But, never across everything in the layout like this.

    There is no invisible sprites or anything running across the entire area, that might be causing it?

    EDIT: Now that I'm looking it over a second time. It looks like something about the top of your grass image. The background on that Sprite is completely transparent right? No padding, or pixel width line right at the top in the Animations Editor? Could try just cutting it shorter, so there is less space above the actual grass tips. To me it looks like something about that Sprite Object.

  • The line looks light blue, ... in your project tree I see a blue line called colliderground .... Is that thing perhaps on top of your ground image ?

  • Good catch lennaert. That's gotta be it. I didn't look over at the Project/Object Tree. I'm still waking up over here XD

    Turn that object Non Visible in the left side, and it'll not show. EDIT: Or just push it to the bottom of the Z Order if you want it visible but hidden in the background for any reason.

  • I have now found the answer "Wrap vertical Clamp to edge" on tiled background


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  • Woot, right on! Congrats maordany on finding a solution, it always feels good to figure out any type of quirky issue :)

  • I have now found the answer "Wrap vertical Clamp to edge" on tiled background


    Hah, well, that was unexpected.

    Tested it in an example, and saw the stretching too.

    So the blue line was a bit of stretched image.

    Nice self solve lol, and thanks for the feedback

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