So I add another data, an instance for each objects like TypeA, TypeB and TypeC.
Everything is well saved in my array and all the new variables are saved on the new Y row. -> MyArray: Set value at (0, 2) to SpriteFam.Type
My purpose now is to reload the objects by variable and I tried this:
+ RestoreA: On clicked
----+ MyArray: For each XY element
--------+ MyArray: Value at (MyArray.CurX, MyArray.CurY) = "TypeA"
---------> System: Create object MyArray.At(MyArray.CurX,1) on layer 0 at (0, 0), create hierarchy: False, template: ""
--------+ System: Pick last created SpriteFam
---------> SpriteFam: Set from JSON string MyArray.CurValue
It almost worked. I have indeed the good objects with the correct variable but once again it change my object's positions and there is even one not positioned at all:
Where is my mistake?