LocalStorage is important for users of my C2 courseware app.
I'm currently using NativeStorage in C2 runtime to bridge storage from Canvas+ (to get my users off of Canvas+ death and put their data in WkWebview storage). This method works great with C2 Runtime. I add the plugin to config.xml and add a few script lines to index.html which passes data to C2 functions.
I have to get this plugin working in C3 Runtime now, using the build service. If I compile a C3 Cordova project, add NativeStorage as a plugin to config.xml, then send the archive to the build service via Export Manager, the build service returns a project without the plugin added. The plugin should be whitelisted as of this official request. I've also tried adding a spec tag with the version mentioned in that request. I probably am not using the right procedure.
What is the correct procedure for using such a plugin with the build service?
There is no NativeStorage addon I can find. I've just been adding the plugin to config.xml and a script block to index.html (with success).
This all works in C3 runtime if I test with PhoneGap, but I can't deliver with PhoneGap because that service still won't build when the target platform is iOS 12, so I need to the use the build service. I'm doing this on both Android and iOS, but am talking iOS right now for simplicity.
CloudStorage is scoped for the future but not until I get all data off of Canvas+.
Thanks for reading! I look forward to your ideas. -Steve