How do I update a PWA?

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  • I try to have my game play as a PWA.

    I followed the the instructions here for offline use:

    I successfully managed to prompt a install system when app is playing in a browser and offer install UI for Android and Apple.

    But I still have problems with offline app update.

    Here's what I did :

    - Let's say that I run update 2 and that version 3 is available.

    - On the first layout of the game (version 2) I check update availability for version 3 and check update process success. They both work. Version 2 says it has been updated to version 3.

    - When update complete is detected, I play a sound and prompt the user to reload. Both work

    - When page is reloaded, the tutorial says game should run the new version but in my case, the game still plays version 2. To have Version 3 running, I have to kill the game and launch it again.

    This has been tested on both Android and iOS.

    Is there something I did wrong ?


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