trying to work with Kenny art assets tilemap that's 17x17.. and trying to work in 16x16

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  • Hi everyone, so overall tilemap stuff is going fine, but the kenny art assets have this annoying clear gap between all the assets. they are 17x17 grids to give this gap between.. but if I use 17x17 in the tile sheet the images don't stay nice and tight in the 16x16 grid.. but if i do things in 17x17 then those gaps between the assets show up. Is there some way to use this tilemap and effectively continue to draw in a nice neat 16x16 grid?

    See how that bed is not in sync.. this gets worse as you move across the layout.

  • If I go with 16x16 I get this problem. yes the grid is tight for the first tile like in this picture. the first row looks great.. amazing.. but then look to the right.. you see the 16,16 becomes an issue because the tiles you can select are now of and thus stamp off.

  • There's no great way to deal with the extra pixels, at least not that I can think of, but when I've used Kenney's assets in the past they've come with two versions of the tilemap: tiles.png, and tiles_packed.png. The packed tiles don't have that padding.

  • ah ok that's cool, i've had this for ages. bought it through construct store. let me see if i can find that other one.

  • OK I re-downloaded and searched for "packed" in my kenny pack from construct and it's not in there. is there another good place to find these? i don't need all of them. i'm really just looking for the rougelike 2d tiles.. indoors outdoors city..

  • Best would be to get direct from the source! :)

  • yea without any luck i just manually removed the pixel rows.. silly that this has to be done to make it usable but it's done :) just glad i wasn't missing some feature / option in Construct that made this magically go away.

  • yea i did check the source and those are not packed. they all have the spaces still unfortunately. at least where i click "download" and get "" lines lines everywhere! :)

  • Actually, I'm totally wrong, there is a way to get rid of the gaps. On the tilemap object, set tile X and Y spacing accordingly. That's it! I tried on that roguelike tilemap and it works, just set the spacing to 1 on X and Y.

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  • holy crap that's it! wow that's nice.. funny i got to test after doing just the horizontal lines so i just put a 1 in the Tile Y spacing and booya! thanks for that!

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