touch twice + keep last touch = run [ solved ]

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  • (written with translator)

    It sounds simple, but I can't figure out how to do it. please help.


    one touch (A) + keep touch / (C) move forward (speed 100)

    ㅡ play "walk" animation

    quick touch twice (A) + keep last touch / (C) move forward (speed 200)

    ㅡ play "run" animation


    I solved the first one, but it doesn't run after tapping twice. If I tap twice, it briefly changes to a running motion animation, but if I hold down on the last touch it goes back to the idle animation state and doesn't move forward either.

    I would appreciate it if you could tell me how to make this possible.

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  • (written with translator)

    (The character is for testing purposes only and I downloaded it from the internet.I do not own the copyright.)

    (platform : no difference whether it was set to the default controller or not.)

    I tried the code you suggested.

    The animation changes are fine.

    I've slightly modified the code you gave me to make the character move.

    I don't know if I did well.


    ( 1 )

    always it moves at the "run" speed and not at the "walk" speed.

    And the animation only played "run".

    Touch it once or tap it twice hold.


    ( 2 )

    The animation changes well. but don't go forward


    # That sprite is the controller that will be displayed on mobile.

    # So ( 1 ) should work normally.


    I don't know much, so please understand.

    I'd appreciate it if you could tell me what to fix. please help.

  • Thanks for the quick reply.

    Works fine. thank you.

    I'm not good at English, so I chose the present continuous tense. like "Touching".

    "touched" looked like the past tense for me.

    sorry my English.

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