How do I touch an object?

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This is a single chapter from the "Construct Starter Kit Collection". It is the Student Workbook for its Workshop.
  • I hav no idea why this is not working.

    I have a touch plugin. And a pause button.

    Basically when you touch the pause button it should pause the timer and change it's animation. When you press it agaain the timer should resume and go back to its normal animation. IDK why but when i press the pause button it's like i didnt ress it. But when I press on some specific location it works.

    My code is the following

    + Touch: On tap gesture on PausePlay
    + PausePlay: Is animation "Pause" playing
    -> TimeSprite: Set Timer timer "Q" Paused
    -> PausePlay: Set animation to "Play" (play from beginning)


    + Touch: On tap gesture on PausePlay
    + PausePlay: Is animation "Play" playing
    -> TimeSprite: Set Timer timer "Q" Resumed
    -> PausePlay: Set animation to "Pause" (play from beginning)

    Please help!


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  • Don't break up the logic. Check for On tap first, and then use sub events to check "Pause" Else "Play".

  • yeah, the first set of code sets the animation to "Play"

    then the second set of code will also see the tap gesture and now that the animation is "Play" it will set it right back to "Pause" all on the same tick.

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