I mostly use it in multiplayer games when i need to network a whole bunch of booleans
So in this event here it looks for the character being on the floor or touching a wall,
if it is, look at virtual controller inputs and decide to mirror or not the character based on the joystick orientation and otherwise do nothing and set the variable inputs to inputs (itself)
that way i only need to network the variable (inputs) as a 1byte and it has a bunch of information about the character such as it'S inputs and state.
Here's another example where I do bitwise autotilling with a dictionary object
by setting certain bits on and off it turns the variable into a number, and i can use that number to get the animation frame i want for my sprites to get this project to work drive.google.com/file/d/1ph2Ww-GcK_M1NdE57T1Ubk-YH_S9PB4R/view
anyways, setbit and getbit are very cool, and I wish it were possible to also shift bits so I could network input buffers but I guess you can with some javascript !