How do I make on tap event unique to trigger specific events?

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  • By timeline, I mean events happening on the event sheet starting from up to downwards.

    I have tried using signals, but all signals seem to happen at once. It could work if the signal could be called only once, but I can't seem to make it so.

    I want to make a storyline where different events happen, then the user taps on the screen and the next events happen and so it can continue about N times per layout. Basically the "next event" function needed.


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  • Can someone help me with an example event sheet please?

    I need something like this:

    On first tap: play event 2. items

    2. event

    On tap second: play event 3. items

    3. event

    On tap third: play event 4. items

    4. event

    and so on...

    Can it be done within one layout and event sheet? That would be a huge help!

  • It's very simple.

    Define a variable and when you press it, check its value and react.

    When you perform an action, change the value of the variable.

  • Thanks igortyhon, I have tried but something is not working there with my variables... I have many pics within one event, some fade, some move and even some text that changes with every event. Should they all have the variable to change or can I have one object to define the value change? Could you please upload an example please?

  • It works until the first tap, but not with the variables set as you can see on my screenshot to get the second tap.

  • Got it working! It was expecting "set value" not "add" duh :)

    Power of thinking aloud :D

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