Hey everyone,
I'm making an autorunner game utilizing the Platform behavior. I'm running into an issue where my player gets stuck on slopes. Admittedly, the slopes are pretty steep but not ridiculously so. The platform behavior is applied to a rectangle and the player animation is set to the rectangle's position every tick.
I was able to find a lot of forum posts regarding issues with slopes and the platform behavior, however, nearly everyone I found either linked to a deleted forum post or a dead link in Dropbox.
Here is a link to the project.
Things I've tried to resolve the issue:
1. Every Tick --> Set Player Angle to 0
Player is Overlapping Platforms at X=0, Y= 5
Platforms Pick Nearest, spr_playerBox.X, spr_playerBox.Y --> Set spr_playerBox Angle to Platforms.Angle
This seemed to have no effect.
2. Player on collision with Platform
Platforms Pick Nearest to spr_playerBox --> Player Rotate 3 degrees towards Platforms.Angle
This also seemed to have no effect.
I've heard mention of using multiple invisible detector sprites, but couldn't find an example of how to do this. I tried implementing it on my own, but it didn't seem to do anything.
I'm sure this issue has a fairly obvious solution, but I can't seem to figure it out. Thanks in advance to anyone who offers help.