Hi all.
First timer here.
Keeping it short. I've been following along with the 'How to make a platformer game' in the beginners' guide. According to my own review, I've followed all the steps in the 'creating an enemy' part, but yet my zombie sprite is very glitchy with it is movement.
I am incredibly new to this and have attached the project below. If anyone could spare a moment to help me out I would appreciate it!
It has to do with your collision polygon changing in between frames, so as he's walking, it triggers the collision event with the edge object again when the frame changes. He doesn't move fast enough to get his collision polygon out of the way before the next tick.
By Polygon collision, do you mean the boxes I've got so that he does not fall off the edge?
Okay, so I managed to decrease the glitchiness by increasing his acceleration, however, there's still a bounciness to his animation, and I can't quite work out what that is?
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In the animation editor, click the bottom most button on the left "Edit the collision polygon".
I recommend right clicking and using the "Set to bouding box" option, on both of the frames.
OMG thank you so much! Finally got around to trying out your technique and it worked like a charm!
Good to know what the polygon collision does now!