How do I set menu to open based on where mouse pointer is?

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  • Hey Construct wizards!

    Apologies for the "amazing" graphics but I'm more focused on proof of concept before I spend much time/resources on graphics.

    Referencing the graphic, when I click on one of the buttons (B1-B4), I would like the menu "A" to open below the button pressed. Not sure how to set the x,y for a sprite to open.

    Thank you in advance for any help you can offer up!

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  • You can do something like this:

    Mouse on Button clicked
    Create Menu at (Button.x, Button.y+100)

    If your menu is complex and consists of multiple objects, it may be easier to compose it manually on the layout (somewhere off-screen), and define hierarchy connections between all objects of the menu. Then when a button is clicked, set menu position to (Button.x, Button.y+100) and it will move there with all its child objects.

  • You can do something like this:

    > Mouse on Button clicked
    Create Menu at (Button.x, Button.y+100)

    If your menu is complex and consists of multiple objects, it may be easier to compose it manually on the layout (somewhere off-screen), and define hierarchy connections between all objects of the menu. Then when a button is clicked, set menu position to (Button.x, Button.y+100) and it will move there with all its child objects.

    Your suggestion looks perfect and I'm checking into it now. Many thanks! Updates forthcoming.

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