I'm still getting the effect where if one timer goes off, it acts on all instances.
This is what I have that's relevant:
+ Keyboard: On Space pressed
-> objects: Start Timer "shakeReset" for random(5) (Once)
+ objects: On Timer "shakeReset"
+ System: For each objects
-> Functions: Call resetShake
* On function 'resetShake'
-> objects: Set shakeAmount to shakeStrength
-> objects: Set shakeTimeElapsed to 0
The exact function is the objects shake a little to give some animation/game feel. But I want them to shake at random intervals individually, and not be in sync. I can happily get them to shake altogether, but not independently.
I'd like each instance's timer to make just that same instance shake a little. At the moment the timer of any instance will make ALL of them shake.
What have I missed in your answer? Thanks for your continuing help!