How do I select a sprite by reference to it's name ?

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  • I have a set of sprites called enemy1, enemy2, enemy3 and enemy4 - I also have a global called "whichenemy" and it will contain an integer between 1 and 4 - How do I select the sprite associated with the global so as I can then perform an action on that sprite - IE: Pseudocode would be :

    select "enemy" + str(whichenemy) {



    Any help much appreciated 🙂

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  • I don't think you can do it by name you'll need to pick the object. What's the problem you are having where you can't just pick enemy1 for example?

  • It is possible if you combine all sprites to a family. Then you can use this condition to pick family member by name:

    System Pick EnemiesFamily By Evaluate: EnemiesFamily.objectTypeName="enemy"&number

    But if you are going to use a family, I suggest defining an instance variable "EnemyType" on the family to make picking easier.

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