So just a quick summary, I'm making something relating to a trading card game I play, like Yu-Gi-Oh! or Pokemon, just less well known. And their website has images of all their cards, but they're decently high quality. Based on the amount of cards I've put in so far I estimate that when I'm done, the file will be around 100GB which is absurd. Is there a decent way in Construct to fix the storage usage, like a simple way to shrink the sprite without it being unreadable, or without taking thousands of downloads for all the cards? Or would taking the physical sprite object and shrinking it down help at all? Just anything.
Shrinking the ingame-sprites will not help the project size, will help the rendering time. (dont confuse this with loading time).
you will render basically a smaller version of that, but the original file is still 100gb so ... physically u have to "tinypng" everything and resize it to a common sense ratio, if file u use is a 5k resolution image bring it down for mobile scale version which should be max 512x512 or lets say more "quality" 1024x1024 is more then enough, even for most computers, a 1024 ratio image is considered "luxurious HD" for gaming purposes. anything above that u goin into unrealengine specs which is not feasible, or atleast i wouldn't recomend it for a trade card game, makes no sense.