How do i can save all instances of one object in string?

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Template for a generic save / load system, fully documented in comments and video
  • I need to save all instances of placeable objects in string, how i can do it? (I am making sandbox multiplayer game).

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  • I need to save all instances of placeable objects in string, how i can do it? (I am making sandbox multiplayer game).

    Hmm... You could try adding all the information to an array, since that saves as a string, but you would need to save pos.x & pos.y of objects and other variables such as object type etc.

    Then use the create object at pos.x & pos.y (of the values in array)

  • > I need to save all instances of placeable objects in string, how i can do it? (I am making sandbox multiplayer game).

    Hmm... You could try adding all the information to an array, since that saves as a string, but you would need to save pos.x & pos.y of objects and other variables such as object type etc.

    Then use the create object at pos.x & pos.y (of the values in array)

    Thank you so much! Everything working nice!)

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