Hey all,
I am working on a pretty large metroidvania and I am at the point where I need to focus on the save file system. I thought I could simply use the save and load system actions but they don't seem to work when exporting and playing on NW.js, which is what my plan is. After reading the documentation, it appears the save and load files only work in the browser? I am generally confused by how they work. I am aware that I could use local storage to store keys, but I'm hoping there's a better way (since I need to be able to save things like enemies and items with the persistent behavior).
Basically I'm asking if there's a way to save the state of my game (or even just save all the variables and persistent objects) so that when the player closes the game on NW.js and opens it again, the save file is still there?
Any ideas or explanations of save and load would be very helpful. I am still new to the concepts and I'm trying to figure it out.