The Sanapad/fanapad template was a great help for the games. But with the new Functions I cannot make it work in new projects.
This is the old tutorial
Thanks for your time
If you mean thumbstick or virtual joystick, there are lots of other examples on this forum, see comments in this post for instance:
I've been testing the examples, but none works as well as the fanapad. I will keep trying.
Taximan did you try out the example project I posted at the end of the thread? Seemed pretty similar to the original example you showed, but with support for Tile Movement and 8 Direction as well.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Yes, but it gives me a lot of problems when using it in a layer with 0% parallax
By changing a few expressions, I got it to work. It works perfectly, thanks.