I'm legitimately considering using the Javascripting service to get around this problem because at the current moment I don't have the brain power to understand how Id use the code-blocks C3 offers to make what I'm trying to make.
I suppose I should explain what it is I'm making:
I am making a simplified, dumbed down coding interface for a game I wanna make.
But I need some way to get every expression/variable the player uses to interact with each other and send data so that the player can make their own "script".
The way I was planning on going about this was, I have a variable ( those "and", "Function", "OBJ", "Then", etc etc sprites you see on screen ) Then by clicking on one variable and another, you make a link.
This link sends information which is then processed by the system to get a read on what the player is writing for example:
IF > OBJ( Door ) > MEM( Closed ) Then > MEM( Open )
Super simple; Causes a door to open if its closed, and it gives my game something unique I can build puzzles around.
I think Id be done by now if I could reference objects using variables but C3 simply won't allow it and trust me I've looked up and down and read paragraphs worth of stuff on their system expressions & variables help page for an alternative way of doing it.