How do I recreate the same land chunk without storing its data?

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  • I'm using Advanced Random plugin. I'm also creating land chunks and destroying them when the player is far enough. But It seams that the time when it happens also matters, not just the coordinates. Is it possible to eliminate the time factor of the RNG system and get the same random results for the same seed so I can recreate the same land chunk in the same coordinate as needed?


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  • The time should only matter if there were other random operations performed in between. If you set the seed immediately before generating the land terrain, it should always come out the same.

    I don't know your game, but you can probably prepare lots of random seeds for the entire level and store them in an array. When you need to generate or re-generate a chunk of land - get a seed for it from the array and run your land generation code with this seed.

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