Hello! First time on the forums, and still a bit new at construct!
I have a simple 8 directions, (rotation locked) to make a simple top down controller, and I have animations implanted. I want to make a rouge like game where the player can equip a ton of different swords, and use em in epic fights.
I have most things roughly working, but one. My player's default animation is facing right, when you hit any variation of the left arrow, it switches it animation group to one I set up for left, simple enough. I have a weapon hold area that follows the player, that I am planning on being in charge of equipping and de equipping my sword, it follow the player correctly, but when I switch to my left animations, It is still on the right side.
After a lot of searching, I figured I needed to use the "Pin" behavior, and "Image Point". I tried for a while but cant seem to figure out image point.
I can pin it to image point using an event, but what do I put it in the box. Its current position in the editor is fine, I just want it to flip to the other side, but I can't seem to do that, anyone know what I should do