How do I make project compatible with the older version of Construct?

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  • Hello!

    I have a non-trivial question. Due to the specifics of my job I have to work with the older versions of C3 like r251.2 or r241 and sometimes I need to open projects created on the newer versions of Construct on the older ones. Usually I just needed to edit "savedWithRelease" property in .c3proj file, disable 3d rendering and/or enable orthographic projection to make project comaptible.

    Everything worked fine until the recent updates. Now when I try to open the modified project file (that was previously saved on the newest versions of C3 like r308) I get the following error all the time: "Failed to open project. Check it is a valid Construct 3 single-file (.c3p) project."

    I can't even copy any object (e.g. sprite, particles) from one project (opened in r302+) to another (opened in any older version of C3). I get the following error: "Some items were not pasted. Not all the copied items could be pasted to this project. Check all the names and requirements match."

    However if I try to copy a sprite from the project opened in the new version of C3 and then paste its info from buffer into a text file and change the "exportFormat" property from "lossless" to "png" I'm able to paste this edited data into a project opened in the older version of the engine without any problem.

    So at least I'm able to copy objects between the projects now. But what can I do to make the whole project compatible with the older versions of C3 again?

    Any help is really appreciated. Thanks in advance!

  • r309 changed the project folder structure, so going back will be a tough one in this case.

    edit: nvm I don't see why it should be a problem with 308

  • Yeah, there have been pretty serious changes lately, which make new project files incompatible with older releases.

    Press F12 after trying to open a project and check the browser console, it may tell you why exactly the project failed to open.

  • dop2000 I see the following error in the console:

    [Project] Exception opening: Error: invalid export format

    at p.pwa (projectResources.js:187:50)

    at p.La (projectResources.js:201:138)

    at p.rma (projectResources.js:202:145)

    at g.oxd (projectResources.js:179:205)

    at e.qma (projectResources.js:164:373)

    at p.txd (projectResources.js:135:239)

    at async Promise.all (/r251-2/index 8)

    at async e.Qhc (projectResources.js:139:120)

    at async Fa.Zhc (projectResources.js:1089:385)

    at async window.xib.C_ (main.js:2105:47)

    lOa main.js:2108

    C_ main.js:2105

    await in C_ (async)

    jP main.js:2097

    await in jP (async)

    (anonymous) main.js:2064

    So it seems that it has something to do with the format of some project files. But all images are in .png and all audio files are in .webm format. Can you give me any advice please?

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  • So I figured it out kinda. I created empty project and editing .c3proj file was enough. I added just one sprite afterwards and the error happened again. So I edited "sprite.json" file in "objectTypes" folder and changed "exportFormat" property from "losless" to "png" and it solved my issue.

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