Problems with loading content (webgame)

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  • I am running into trouble loading the content in my game. The zip file is ~72 MB (mostly due to voice recording files). Of course it takes quite some time to load for the first time which alone would be ok.

    My problems start when loading does not seem to be over after the loading screen. I am currently staying in a hotel with really crappy hotel wifi.

    I was under the assumption that as soon as the loading bar was full (we are using the built-in loading screen), the game would have all it needs ready to go. This does not seem to be the case. After the loading screen, the screen stays black and it takes some time until the first layout is displayed.

    Text, which I load from json files, is displayed with a delay, and are sometimes only loaded in time after I refreshed the page 3 times, causing the game to load again and again. Voice files start playing with a delay too.

    It seems as if the game's overall performance is worse when the internet connection is bad. Is this assumption correct?

    Why isn't all content loaded after the loading screen is over? Shouldn't the loading screen be the safeguard against that? Or am I missing something and the issue lies somewhere else?

    I tested with my phone as well as with my laptop, both in the same bad connection. There is no noticeable difference. With my pc at home, which has a stable and fast internet connection, I don't encounter these problems.

    Any idea what I can do?

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