I am up to a board strategy game. The way I want its controls to be is- when I double tap a troop that is not active, it gets enabled. When I double tap an already active troop, it gets disabled.
But it's giving me some trouble and I can't figure it out, for the manner I have handled it, at double tapping troop, it gets first activated and them deactivaed. Or viceversa. It all depends on the order of the events.
If I place first the activate event, it triggers for a non active troop, thus it being active for the time the next deactivate event takes place. So it recognizes it as active and disables it.
If I swap the order, it deactivates and then recognizes it being non active and activates it. So it is always a loop.
I need it to check the first event (troop being active or inactive, doesn't matter), and be it true, trigger skipping the next event-block. Only when being false the first event-block, it would step on to the next event-block. Otherwise, doesn't take it into account.
I must be missing something pretty basic. Remember vaguely having read something about it somewhere around 'if, else, run once...', 'how events work' or maybe on the loops section, but I cannot find any reference now there nor the forum.
edit- nevermind, it was 'else' that I tried but had put it on the main triggering condition. Now in the sub-event is properly working as expected. Rookie fail...