Is there possibly a way to script animations from a pre-packed spritesheet

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From the Asset Store
Pack of sprites for RPG games, characters and their customization, interface, inventory, icons, environment elements.
  • I just wanted to ask. There are a couple people using TexturePacker for example, and I use my own atlas format. Even in the beginner's platformer tutorial, there's a spritesheet_complete.png and a spritesheet_complete.xml file, presumably made from shoebox - which the tutorial does not use. Those sprite cells are almost always not expected to be aligned in a grid... and it's also like that for most spritesheets out there floating on the internet.

    I wonder if there is a usecase flow for an existing spritesheet like that. There's already a setup to set origin/pivot per image, and the capability to slice up an existing png. It'd be nice if I can slice them up and set their origin programmatically, according to an atlas format.

    It's okay if it's not built-in. I just need to know if such a thing is possible to do via scripting.


    So far though, Construct was very fun and super easy to use. I may use this to prototype some game ideas if nothing else.

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