Possible to layer a project on top of another canvas/presentation?

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  • I'm wondering if it's possible layer a Construct project with a transparent background above a separate browser canvas/process. I have a colleague who has a simulation running in Mapbox, which is running in an iFrame, and I want to layer my Construct project on top of it. I've found references in past forum posts about setting the overall background of a project to be transparent, but so far we've been unsuccessful. Every option we've tried results in a project with an opaque background. Is there a solution here?

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  • OK, here's one solution. The default CSS generated with the project (style.css) contains the following style which doesn't appear to be affected by settings in the editor. Removing/commenting out the indicated background color item (along with setting the bottom-most project layer to be transparent) causes the project to render without a background and show whatever is layered beneath it in HTML.

    html, body {
    	padding: 0;
    	margin: 0;
    	overflow: hidden;
    	background: #000000; <---- remove this or comment out
    	color: white;
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