Thanks! It exceeds me a bit what you wrote. And it scares a bit too ;-)
I'm just getting to know this world of blocks so that the game can come alive.
I know JavaScript a bit and wrote a small demo, it only confirmed me that the project makes sense.
But I wanted to be able to compile my adventure game faster and visually. It is also important to be able to export it to several platforms.
Sometimes I think I understand that and it's quite easy. Unfortunately, shortly after such moments I stand in front of the big big wall and I don't know how to get around it :-D
Right now I am standing in front of such a wall.
My game is based mainly on sounds, I do not need an extensive visual layer.
I wanted to do some conditions, something like the FSM.
I check the conditions and run the appropriate combinations of sounds and allow the player to make a decision. For example:
- I was here
-- I came from the north
--- I have the key with me
--- I don't have a key
-- I came from the south
--- I have the key with me
--- I don't have a key
- I haven't been here
-- I came from the north
-- I came from the south
- etc.
So I check if I was here or not. Then I check which side I came from. Then I check if I have specific items or if I have already done some important task.
Here's what I did:
I added the condition "if I was here" and moved the actions there.
The effect is that the first speech file is looped ("trzy").
Something else is missing me with Construct logic.
I am asking for tips on where I made a mistake.