I have a huge csv database that looks like this :
It's a very simplified version but it gives a precise look of the structure.
I need to be able to organise the results of this database in two ways :
- display content by name
- display content by name.
To do that, that I'd like to scan the database for names and have access to them through a dropdown list. This would organise a name's informations by date and should look like this (grey rectangle is dropdown list):
Also, I'd like to scan the database for dates and have access to them through a dropdown list. This would organise a given dates' informations by name and should look like this (grey rectangle is dropdown list):
Do you have an idea on how to do that ? CSV test file is available here : https://www.dropbox.com/s/1alwud24umbt95i/TestFile.csv?dl=0