Hi all,
Probably the same topic as https://www.construct.net/en/forum/construct-3/how-do-i-8/fix-debugger-position-155855?kws=debugger. But the person did not get an answer, and he found another "Idea" but its different than our problem.
I would like to restart debug mode a lot, and everytime I have to pop out the debugger from the game and reposition it. Same happens when hitting ctrl+f5 from the editor or justing the restart button while already in the game.
I tried this both in the app and browser, and I cannot get around it.
Construct 2 did not have this issue, in CS2 while runnin already in debug mode and restarting debug, it would keep the the debug mode in position and size.
- is this expected behavior in CS3?
- Where do I need to go to make a request for this to be added in the future?