Hello! My students and I are working on Lesson 12 on the free teacher lessons 1-13. We are working on our last steps to complete the toaster maze. We have added the water enemy and are now trying to follow lesson 12 "Variable Naming Conventions".
We have added waypoints that the water has to touch and labeled it 'waypointBlue', selected instance variable, and added variable names "ID" and "next ID" to it (initial value: 0). We have duplicated the waypoint and moved them all around our maze. We have changed the instance variable ID of each of waypointBlue sprites to the numbers 0,1,2 etc. in the order they should be visited by the water. We set each of the nextID variables to one more than the ID set for that instance. We have added an instance variable called targetID and left the initial value as 0.
We are stuck on setting the bullet angle of motion to angle(water.X, water.Y, waypointBlue.X, waypointBlue.Y) degrees... see attached photo of the slide.
When we try to type this in, it gives us a syntax error for the first comma (after Water.X)
Can someone please assist us? We have been stuck on this for two days and have tried everything!!
Thank you!