Despite reading the relevant articles several times and extensive searching through the forums, I seem to still have a fundamental misunderstanding of how Families work.
Here's what's up: My game is a top-down shooter, a la Enter the Gungeon or Binding of Isaac. As a result, I want the "Player" to be behind or in front of certain objects in the environment depending on his Y.Position, to create the illusion of depth.
So, I have "if Player.Y > EnvironmentObject.Y , then Move EnvironmentObject to Bottom of Layer" and vice-versa. This works as intended when I create a different object and corresponding Event for every single instance. But I would much rather have a Family that takes care of this logic in one fell swoop.
The Problem: I created a single Family for all different types of Environmental Objects in the game (lets call it Fam_EnvObjects). So now, it looks like "if Player.Y>Fam_EnvObjects.Y , then Move Fam-EnvObjects to Bottom of Layer". However, every object in the Family is affected simultaneously, as opposed to on a per-instance basis.
I was under the impression that Events referencing a Family will apply the logic to each member of the family individually, and only when the individual conditions are met. Yet they are batched together, and only a single member of the family is used to compare the Y-Position value for all members of the family.
Thank you for reading, and hopefully this makes sense.