I really hope this is something simple I'm missing here...
I'm trying to get a first person 3D camera that I can move in the direction I'm looking in 3D space not tied to a single plane of movement.
Think like Descent... A first-person game where you use the mouse to look around anywhere in 3D space and when you push W you move towards the specific point you are looking at in 3D space.
I've got the mouse on movement event trigging to rotate the camera with this:
{"is-c3-clipboard-data":true,"type":"actions","items":[{"id":"rotate-camera","objectClass":"3DCamera","parameters":{"rotate-x":"Mouse.MovementX / 10","rotate-y":"Mouse.MovementY / 10","min-polar-angle":"20","max-polar-angle":"160"}}]}
And I've got the for when pushing W:
Instead of moving in the direction I'm facing though I'm just moving along a single axis regardless of where I'm looking.
The description for the "Move along camera axis" action specifically says "Move the camera and/or look position along axes relative to the direction he camera is pointing in" but that's not what it seems to be doing.
Any ideas?