How do I move?

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This is a code so you can see the same skin on all screens (peers). Each peer gets a skin, in addition to 4 directions t
  • My character is only moving left and right.

    Any idea how to fix?

  • Your character will move up and down also on the first move, but once you have chose an axis it will not move on the other. This is because when you check for overlap at offset on one axis, there is still a slight overlap on the other axis. Overlap at offset is like moving your entire collision polygon by the offset amount, so if you shift it to the left(negative on x) and check for overlap there, if you have a slight overlap at the bottom or top it will still count.

    You can fiddle around with different ways to ensure that there are never any overlaps, or it looks like this project would be well suited to using grid based movement which would eliminate the issue.

  • How would I do grid based movement without it stopping?

  • You can use a variable to continuously simulate the movement control, provided that the player is able to move in that direction.

    Have a look at this example.!AkmrWgxeuxlKhIdRbmcfDE9aCFCpLA

  • The file isnt working

  • I got it working, it is so useful. Thank you so much.

  • You can use a variable to continuously simulate the movement control, provided that the player is able to move in that direction.

    Have a look at this example.!AkmrWgxeuxlKhIdRbmcfDE9aCFCpLA?e=C91l6b

    Is there a way to check what I will move into when I move?

    Also a way to test for collisions?

    Alot of my game is about collisions.

    I ended up testing at offset. Is this the best way?

    I really hope there is another way as sound effects rely on collisions as well.

  • Can you explain exactly what you are trying to achieve. Normal collision checks will still work, but only if you actually collide with the object. What objects are you trying to check and why?

  • Any object, mainly sfx and other things like to see if I hit a snowball ect.

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  • Using tile movement won't stop you colliding with other objects unless they have the solid behaviour.

    The tile movement recognizes solid objects on a tile as impassable and that is how the player stops at the tile before them. If this object that you stop in front of is the object that you want to collide with you could do a check to see what the object is and then run a custom 'collision' function or event.

    If you want to have other objects that don't stop the player from moving, but can still collide with the player, then normal collision checks will work

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