Hello there
In my project i need to load several image in a sprite with "load from URL" action.
work fine, so i can change images without exporting the project every time.
-> card: Add animation json.Get("cards."& loopindex &".name")
-> card: Set animation to json.Get("cards."& loopindex &".name")(play from beginning)
-> card: Load image from url_img_card & json.Get("cards."& loopindex &".name") & ".png" (Resize to image size, cross-origin anonymous)
my issue is, when create a new animation, the origin point is a (0,0) but in the project, all positions of the sprite are about center .
for now i manually modify like this for every actions where i need to position the sprite, but not very practical
-> card: Set position to (Self.X - (Self.width×0.5), Self.Y - (Self.height×0.5))
is it a way to center the sprite origin point after a load from url in a new animation?
i also try to create some animations with right names and right size and center origin point, that work but i need to add some images frequently so need to automatically add animations