Hi everyone is there a way with BBCode or some other way to insert a sprite/emoji/graphic into a text string?
For example, I have a speech bubble with a global text string that advances to the next paragraph using ...More^ and the next function command.
I'd like to have instead of ... have a small arrow like an emoji pointing to the word more.
Even better being able to insert a sprite would be amazing. This way if I reference pressing a button I could include the graphic of that button in the text.
Finally I did see a dialog speech bubble once that had asked a question at the end of the text string that prompted a Yes No or clickable button. Branching off into a conversation.
For example the character asks:
Hi would you like to A or B
Then a button for A and another for B would appear inside the speech bubble.
Depending on which button was pressed either it would branch into another text and possibly another branch or when the other button was pressed a goto layout happened.
Like the character saying something like 'Do you want to go to the cave with me?' then that would trigger going to the cave layout and events.