My enemy character sprite can mirror when its chasing the player. but I want to know how to mirror the enemies sprite based off of the direction its moving with out it being based on the position of the player.
Are you using simulate control on platform behaviour? There isn't a condition 'is moving in a direction' but you can set a variable on the enemy to track it, when you use the simulate control actions, and based on that variable you can mirror.
yes im using simulated control on the platform behavior. And yes i was kinda surprised to see theres no "is moving in a direction". do you by chance no what variables i can use?
Just if it's moving left or right set to a 1 or 0, something like that
does anyone know how this would look in the engine? not skilled with this.
You could use is "Between Angles" expression
Not sure which behaviour you are using to move the enemies but here is an example using the Bullet behaviour
I don't see the problem if you already have the enemy moving as your first post implies. If you need some other help then please give more details.
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Thanks alot Lions and tarek! I was able to mimic tareks example into my own project. just needed a bit of detailed guidance.
Ah yeah I didn't even think of that response above, well glad it's resolved :)