> I wrote it in text ----> on event complete- load load load load
There is no "On event complete" in Construct. And there is no "Load Load Load" action in Local Storage plugin. It's not a bug, I've seen problems like this many times on this forum. Your code is wrong, good luck fixing it.
You guys already helped me. Thank you all! I wrote like this because i dont think there is difference in which one event was complete, as well as UE thinks so too, by placing on "on event complete" node. Its just means it is triggered.
Here is the code and thats it. The only difference is that it is made for every gun and it is identical and also coins text is set on localstorage.itemvalue (when get localstorage.coins)
That is it with localstorage expressions and i don't know where is my code wrong, cuz nothing changes when u place wait till asyn. actions are done.
And as i have already mentioned - removing get coins( as on screenshot) makes get shotgunlevel load for 5 seconds, like get coins was, before removing.(get shotgunlevel was working fine before i deleted get coins)