2d platformer, and I have a patrolling enemy (bee). I have has his patrol event set properly, and it works:
(Bee Patrol Group, Line 9 - see pic below))
bee travels to the left, collides with with invisible wall, mirrors, travels to the right, collides with wall, repeat.
I want the bee to see the player, change animation and then move toward the player slightly faster (this is where I set the Move To event). I want the enemy facing to be toward the player, according to player.X position (lines 16 and 17 in pic below), however, I want the original behavior to be followed until the enemy sees the player, OR, when the player moves out of range, I want the enemy behavior to return to its default patrol.
The first patrol group (Bee Patrol) works as intended - the enemy changes directions, and all is fine. However, when I activate the Bee_los group, the enemy does not change facing when hitting my invisible wall (which should trigger him to mirror and begin traveling to the right). The animation changes work fine.
Attached is a screenshot of my event sheet, and a link to the game file. The faulty group (Bee_los) is deactivated, so you can see the game work normally before you get into the troubles.
The player is set just to the left of the bee enemy, so upon initializing, you can sit in place and watch the bee hit the wall, and then mirror and patrol to the right. In the Enemy Behavior event sheet, activate the "Bee_los" group, initialize, and you will see the bee does not change direction.