How do I limit the size of an inputtext window?

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  • Hello,

    My game has an inputtext option for the player.

    The player doesnt actually see the inputtext box, because I linked its content to another text box (let's call it "output_txt_box"), for aesthetic reasons.

    So when the player types on his keyboard, the text is seen in the output_txt_box.

    I want to limit the number of characters that the player can input, but I want this limit to correspond to the size of the output_txt_box.

    Which means any solution having to do with the number of characters ("len", etc.) won't work in my case, as typing a 100 big "A" won't occupy the same space as typing a 100 small "i".

    But that's exactly what I'd like to accomplish : that the limit in the number of characters corresponds to the bottom right corner of the output_txt_box.

    Any idea how to accomplish that ?

    Here is a preview of my output_txt_box :

    Thanks !

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