C3/Mobile game
I know why it isn't working, but don't know how to get it to work.
When a key at the bottom is pressed, I want it to show up in the spaces above. 1 letter at a time, each in a different space.
The pink sprites are called 'btn_keys', there is a copy for each letter. 'btn_keys' has an instance called 'instTypedLetter' with a corresponding letter assigned to it. (The sprite covering Q is assigned Q and so forth)
Above the keys there are 30 copies of a sprite called 'space'. Space has 2 instances. The first is 'inst' and the second is 'letter'.
In 'inst' each sprite is assigned a number 1-30. And 'letter 'is a string and left blank.
When the player presses Q (for example) every square becomes a Q. Same thing happens if the player presses W or any other letter. Not what I'm looking for. If Q is the first letter pressed it should show up in the first box only. And if W is the next letter pressed it should show up in the second box online.
I have tried adding instances to the text. I've tried just 'adding 1' to the currentSpace variable without using the maxSpace variable. I've forgotten several of the things I've tried.
I know at some point I'm going to need a few arrays in this, but I don't think that will work with this.
Thank you for any suggestions.
Incase you feel like taking a look: drive.google.com/file/d/1g80ktWn1GiJLhkkQrnaOaB43QYONSyF3/view