I'm using the platform behaviour and have a character walking left or right.
I then stop the player if they hit a button at a certain point like so:
On Keyboard Press W
Set Group "Movement Controls" Deactivated
Set Platform Disabled
Start ignoring Platform user input
Tween Position to Location.Y
And that moves the player to a new position perfectly.
The problem comes when returning them to the Platform:
On Keyboard Press S
Tween Position to Floor.Y
Wait for previous action to complete
Set Group "Movement Controls" Activated
Stop ignoring Platform user input
Set Platform Enabled
At this point, when the player has returned to the ground, their motion from their initial walking continues as if it was never interrupted. So if they were moving right before hitting W, they now go back to moving right after hitting S, until they decelerate and stop.
Why is the movement carrying over? Is there a way for me to kill it upon the press of W?
Thanks for any help.