I haven't been able to find any topic on this, since most posts about arrays are before the new built-in JSON plugin was born.
I am making a card game and have serious doubts about the way to arrange the deck. There will be much card sorting, which used to be done with arrays. Yet I have seen that, though not on the manual, there are pop/push, sort and insert/delete actions for the JSON object.
My question is- since JSON is supposed to be quite fast at accesing for it uses path ID, would it be performance wiser to work straight with a JSON, instead of loading an array?
However, on the documentation, Ashley says Construct JSON is not actually on native layer Javascript. So I am a bit confused.
I don't need the data to be sorted in rows&columns anyway.
Would it be faster to handle a deck of cards by parsing a JSON or loading an array? Do loops and tokenAt behave the same with both? Or the JSON path stuff speeds it further up?
I mean reading and writing too. Pretty much shuffling and sorting, like I said.
Ashley can give me a hint.