IphoneX Size?

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220 Food Sprites in 16x16 pixel size. Perfect for items for a retro style game.
  • Hey guys.

    I've noticed that my app has black bars on the IphoneX, on top and on the bottom of the screen, even though I am using scale outer.

    what is the right screen size or viewport to get rid of all the black bars for all the devices?

    any ideas?

    Thanks in advance

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  • When you use scale outer, you must design your layout/background ect to cover more than what you expect a "normal" user to see.

    When you use scale inner, you design for parts of your layout to be cut off when viewed by a different aspect ratio than expected.

  • When you use scale outer, you must design your layout/background ect to cover more than what you expect a "normal" user to see.

    When you use scale inner, you design for parts of your layout to be cut off when viewed by a different aspect ratio than expected.

    Thank you for the answer.

    I see, but do i make the layout size larger, or just the (sprite-background).

    and how do i do that when using a scrolling backgroud?

  • Both. Scrolling or not scrolling should make no difference.

  • Both. Scrolling or not scrolling should make no difference.


    Thanks a lot.

    I'll try it out.

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