Hey guys! I created a swipe menu system that I would like your feedback on and I still need help with a little fix.
The menu works in a way that it takes the initial position and width of a certain sprite object, that will be used as a drag and drop enabled parent to slide all menu items at the same time.
The menu items text is derived from an instance variable containing a string with all the names ("item1","item2","item3")
On start layout the parent oject spawns all menu items and a set of actions is used to control the movement and wrapping of the menu items.
The one thing that is broken right now is the case when I do two fast swipes to the right. This will create a gap in the menu, which fixes itself after one more swipe, but I would still like to understand what's going on.
In general this is my first attempt to build something of this sort, so feel free to suggest any improvements and give me your honest opinion. :-)