Individual actions based on events in object particles? [SOLVED]

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From the Asset Store
Particles support animations, collisions, effects and etc.
  • Sorry about the vague title, but I need to find a way to run an action on an object particle based on an event that happens in that specific object particle. Specifically, I am trying to set the angle of any object particle to 180 as soon as it is created, in order to create a backwards movement as if I am moving to the right. (The particles are supposed to be stars.) The event that is supposed to control this is:

    -> Sprite4 | On Created | Sprite4 | Set angle to 180 degrees.

    (Sprite4 is the object particle that I am using).

    But this seems to have no effect:

    As you can see, the stars are still going in a randomized direction, and that simply looks wrong. Moreover, applying actions based on star creation would allow me to randomize their colors, which would look much more pleasing. I could even change animation frames and have other celestial objects! I understand that the processing power impact will be substantial (currently the stars layout idles at ~10% CPU on my laptop), and will include an option to turn the stars off in the final game. However, I would still like to have them for polish. Failing this, is there any way to "flatten" the angle of the particle object's spray? I have tried doing this with the size property in the layout with no avail.

    Sorry if this should have gone in the feedback forums, I am not really sure which one this belongs to more.


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  • Disregard this. It has been solved. For anyone stumbling upon this topic trying to find out the same thing, the spray radius can be flattened using the "Spray Cone" property, found in Properties, second from the top. Events do actually work on object particles, it is just "Set Angle" that did not work, presumably because the particle spawner was messing around with that property.

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