Importing TMX/TMJ from Tiled is not working

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  • Anyone familiar with importing from Tiled ? It doesn't seem to like TMX or even the TMJ 'JSON' export format when imported, as though it cannot read it. When I download custom TilesJSON from within Construct and load it in this is of course working as it's in the expected format but with these exports from Tiled they are just ignored.


  • Is the tilemap object supposed to support TMX/TMJ imports?

    I'd assume Construct uses it's own format. You'd probably need an addon or other way to convert TMX or TMJ to Construct's TilesJSON format.

    Edit: NM Construct is definitely supposed to work with TMX. (via the tilemap toolbar load TMX button, or by drag and drop into the tilemap bar in the editor)

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  • you are using this button, right?

    and/or following this: > Load TMX: import a .tmx tilemap as used by Tiled. All the tiles in the object are replaced with tile data from the TMX file. In Construct a Tilemap object represents a single layer of tiles, so if the TMX file has multiple layers you will be asked which layer to import. To import all layers, create a different tilemap object for each layer and import them separately. The tileset image can also be replaced by choosing a new image file. Note you can also drag-and-drop individual .tmx files, image files, and .zip files of both, in to the Tilemap Bar. This opens the load TMX dialog with all relevant fields already filled in, so you only need to press OK.

    I haven't tested it recently though and I also don't have a tmx file to test rn.

  • Ok based on the above it is working but I should've specified I was trying to load with events, AJAX and Load, rather than manually in the editor.

    So I guess this resolves it. I can manually load tmx using what was mentioned above and then use TilesJson in runtime to access what I need, thanks!

  • right I guess loading tmx is edit-time only

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