How do I import a gif?

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  • Hey again, thank you for reading this.

    This is getting so irritating, in C2 i could simply click a sprite, then click 'import frames' and choose a GIF to import every single frame.

    In C3 it only imports the first frame. I have searched for hours now and i cant find a solution that works, WHY would one change this from C2 when it was simple and perfect?

    Anyway, anyone knows how to import a gif and get all frames instead of just the first frame?


  • Is there any way to make the GIF a sprite strip? Or can you split the GIF into individual images?

  • Is there any way to make the GIF a sprite strip? Or can you split the GIF into individual images?

    Not really no, and i have lots and lots of sprites that i need to import, it would be very time consuming. I am not gonna spend time in PSD saving each frame one by one when there are over 3200 frames (combined)

    I guess purchasing C3 was a mistake :/ - the advertisement i saw back then 'drag from desktop and drop right into construct' wasn't true at all :/

  • found this on the internet:

    It is a free frame extractor. It will split your gif into frames. Then you can choose "upload files" and select all of them. it will upload them all together

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  • found this on the internet:

    It is a free frame extractor. It will split your gif into frames. Then you can choose "upload files" and select all of them. it will upload them all together

    Very nice but i will not upload NDA stuff into a homepage.

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