How do I Ignore physical key presses without ignoring simulated key presses? [solved]

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  • I have a character using the platformer behavior that is constantly moving and should stay constantly moving, I achieve this through simulate keypress but the platformer behavior let's you physically press the other direction and stop. How can I alleviate this?


  • Hey chris, here's an example:

    Basically I unchecked the "Default controls" option for the platformer object and simulate the controls of jumping and falling through, because I see in your example that this is the only controls you need.

    Hope it helps :)

  • Hey chris, here's an example:

    Basically I unchecked the "Default controls" option for the platformer object and simulate the controls of jumping and falling through, because I see in your example that this is the only controls you need.

    Hope it helps :)

    Holy crap that was easy, I feel a bit stupid. Thank you so much!

    Also in the example you don't even need to mess with the x, simulate left and right still works. The fix was literally just a check box and a up key = jump event.

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  • Holy crap that was easy, I feel a bit stupid. Thank you so much!

    Lol, your brain was just tired, it happens. Glad it helped.

    Also in the example you don't even need to mess with the x, simulate left and right still works. The fix was literally just a check box and a up key = jump event.

    You're right, I feel stupid now ^^

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