Hi all, I am looking at an old example of lightning done by brunopalermo from this thread I think it's a cool example and am interested in playing around with the effect. You can download an example of the file here. As it was made a while ago though it uses the old depreciated function plugin. I've tried to convert it using "replace with built in function" but it throws an error:
the types for parameter(s) 0, 1, 4 could not be determined (deduced types any, any number, number any)
I'm just trying to understand this, and see if there is a way to convert it to the new functions.
Is it throwing this error because it can't determine if some of the function parameters are strings or numbers and it doesn't like this? From what I can tell they all appear to be numbers.
I notice if I remove the 2 function calls in the else statement it will then convert o the new function, but of course the effect then no longer works - and I'm afraid I don't understand enough of it to know how to fix.
Thanks for any insights!